Having 21 to 24 body fat indicates physical fitness. A woman who weighs 125 pounds and is 5 feet 60 inches tall for example could calculate her bmi like this. You may find a body fat percentage chart displayed in a doctors clinic. Triangle aka pear hips wider than bust defined bust but not waist proportionately slim arms and shoulders weight. Based on your bone structure what are your ideal body measurements. Arm size forearm size.
Your bmi weight height x height x 703. Neck size waist size. Thigh size calf size. Rectangle a rectangle is a woman whose body shape means having waist measurements that are less than 9 inches smaller. Wrist size ankle size. Chest size shoulder size.
13 of an inch to the thigh measurement and no more than 12 of an inch to the waist measurement. Ad 34 of an inch to the chest measurement. So her bmi is 244 which falls at the high end of the healthy weight range. Before calculating an ideal weight for your age and height you should measure the body fat percentage and the body mass index bmi first. As engineers we always say what gets measured gets improved. To calculate what your minimum body measurements should be for every inch over 52 that you are you ad 14 of an inch to the calf upper arm and neck measurements.
To track your fitness progress a body measurement chart is the best tool. The bmi guidelines are the same for women and men. In this article youll learn how to use the printable body measurement chart pdf for weight loss and weight gain and the benefits of doing so. The 5 main female body types are as follows. Bmi 125 60 x 60 x 703. You can easily measure your body fat with calipers.