However wrist size does not act as an accurate indicator for body weight. The average body weight however falls within the range of 135 25 kg reported for wareng chicken of indonesia hasnelly and armayanti 2006. Wrist size is a general estimate for body frame size. Prediction of bodyweight from body measurements in rabbits using principal component analysis omakinsola 1. Pairwise pearson correlations were estimated using bodyweight bw and morphological trait measurements namely heart girth hg shoulder height sh and. Heres a chart for your reference.
Pdf data on bodyweight and linear body measurements lbms namely ear length el heart girth hg body length bl head to shoulder hs leg. The relationship of bodyweight and linear body measurements were estimated by pearson correlation. 37 6 913 2017 google scholar. Simple linear correlation procedure of sas version 8 1999 was used to establish the strength of linear relationship and association between the different lbms together with the bodyweight using the. For each body measurement the least square means lsmeans and associated. Estimation of live bodyweight from linear body measurements and body condition score in the.
This was done separately for the two sexes in cases of significant sex effect. Linear body measurement x i or the i th principal component. All the values obtained for linear body measurements were higher in the male than. Pearsons correlation coefficients r were calculated and tested for significance using the proc corr procedure to assess the linear association between lw. Correlation and regression analysis of the body weight and body size of adult female yak in naqu. It is usually to determine whether youre small to large skeletal bone frame.
3916 97159716 2011 google scholar 5. Data on bodyweight and linear body measurements lbms namely ear length el heart girth hg body length bl head to shoulder hs leg length ll and tail length tl of 178 chinchilla breed of rabbits at 3 6 and 8 weeks of age were analyzed to obtain the phenotypic correlation between the various lbms on one hand and lbms on bodyweight on the other. Find read and cite all the research you. Results table 1 summarises the average measurements obtained for the four traits studied. Multiple linear regression and path analysis between body measurement and weight on datong yak. The positive and strong nature of the correlation between bw and body measurement traits means that bw could be estimated from body measurements.
The objective of this study was to determine the practicality of using linear body measurement traits to predict live weight of goats and sheep under communal grazing in three districts of botswana namely central kweneng and kgalagadi. That an increase in any one body measurement would result in a corresponding increase in live body weight. Jie p ping y.