Today the average body voltage in us homes is probably between 05 to 20 volts ac. For millions of years before the invention of electricity the body voltage measurement would almost always have been 00 volts ac. Body voltage testing is the method whereby the direct effect of electrical fields on the human body is measured. Body voltage can result from the influence of static electricity eg when shuffling ones feet on the ground or from ac electricity. This is an inexpensive way you can indirectly test for 6050 hz ac electric fields using a 50 device found in most hardwaredepartment stores. The body voltage meter is a great way to test the effectiveness of your static discharge esd devices and can be used to measure the ac voltage build up on static producing surfaces.
The body voltage meter can be used to measure the voltage difference between ones body and the ground. To read body voltage simply hold the metal tip of the red test lead between your finger and thumb. You will need an electrical meter and a few cords and adaptors for this process. We suggest you purchase our body voltage meter kit. Body voltage home test kit. Less emf has a cost effective dedicated body voltage instrument.
From electrical devices this body voltage measurement is usually 00 volts ac. The parts of the original body voltage sensor multimeter plug in from less emf do not seem to be readily available and it may not be sold anymore as a separate body voltage sensor plug in. Today the typical home has body voltage levels varying from 01 to 50 volts or more depending on the exact location and the position of the person being tested. Used in bau biologie building biology body voltage measuring. Will help you detect irritating voltage sources which may not otherwise be obvious. This method allows you to determine which circuits.
It is the most sensitive and accurate way to measure the impact of ac electric fields. Large digital readout is easy to see and sensitive down to 1 mv. Now a body voltage measurement using a sensitive high impedance voltmeter as is normally used measures the voltage between a persons body and earth or ground usually the electrical safety earth in the buildings wiring. This body voltage test kit is our most popular and is used to determine voltage measurements on the human body. For millions of years before the invention of electricity the body voltage measurement was almost always zero volts ac. This test kit can help you create ideal sleeping areas when used in combination with an ac electric field meter.