Two or more conductors are attached to a persons body and a small electric current is sent through the body. Most scales also cannot tell you where fat is located on your body. Bia is based on a two compartment model that determines total body water tbw and soft tissue ie. Percentage of body fat is strongly associated with the risk of several chronic diseases but its accurate measurement is difficult. Bioelectrical impedance analysis bia is a commonly used method for estimating body composition in particular body fat and muscle massin bia a weak electric current flows through the body and the voltage is measured in order to calculate impedance resistance of the body. Bia or bioelectrical impedance analysis is a non invasive measurement of body fat lean muscle mass and hydration.
The general principle behind bia. Fat muscle water and other important indicators of underlying medical conditions are not considered in the bmi. Quantities of fat mass and fat free mass by running a small electrical current through the body. Bioelectrical impedance analysis bia is a relatively simple quick and non invasive technique to measure body composition. 1universidade federal de santa catarina centro de desportos núcleo de pesquisa em cineantropometria e desempenho humano florianópolis santa catarina brazil. Body composition estimation in children and adolescents by bioelectrical impedance analysis.
A small current is used to measure the resistance at difference frequencies against the various tissues in the body eg fatlipid has a high resistance to the flow of current therefore shows a high impedance reading. This is possible simply because different bodily tissues eg. The bioelectrical impedance analysis bia method is a lower cost from less than one to several hundred us dollars in 2006 but less accurate way to estimate body fat percentage. Chula de castro ja1 lima tr2 silva das2. Muscle fat bone etc all have varying amounts of water content and as a result they all differ in terms of electrical conductivity. Bioelectrical impedance analysis bia and body composition analyse as a physician you know that the body mass index bmi by itself is no t sufficient to analyze a patients health status and body composition thoroughly.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis bia is able to make an estimation of body composition eg. Most body water is stored in muscle. Bioelectrical impedance analysis does not provide an exact measurement of your total body fat. Bioelectrical impedance analysis bia is a technique that has proven to be safe generally acceptable to patients and easy to use 109110bia is used for determining fluid management and increasingly for evaluating protein energy status. Fat mass fm and fat free mass ffm 111. Even if you get an accurate reading on a bioimpedance scale the number represents an estimate of your total body fat percentage.